Complexity Symposium 2018

What is our program for future progress?

The Center for Complexity (CfC) hosted its first symposium, in collaboration with Infosys to explore how complexity and uncertainty are forces enabling change across every aspect of our lives, organizations, and institutions. The symposium provided an experimental, collaborative platform—a conversation in the round—where perspectives from across industries and disciplines collided to create friction, cross boundaries, and rethink how we solve complex challenges to create futures yet to be imagined. 

What is our program for future progress? 

To answer this question, the symposium focused on three domains of dialogue:

  1. Epistemological Inadequacy
  2. Practices for Complexity
  3. Communities/Networks for Impact

Dialogue in the symposium worked towards common understanding, language, and insights. The structure was flexible, yet carefully guided in the spirit of the Socratic seminar. Facilitators and embedded panelists worked to activate every member of the symposium.

Read more about the symposium from participants, Sarah Fay, Indy Johar, and RISD Media.