Improving Outcomes

CfC has been building a portfolio of work in healthcare that began in 2019 with a collaboration with Brown’s Alpert School of Medicine. This work expanded through conversations and collaborations with other healthcare professionals including Dr. N. Stuart Harris, ED physician and founder and Chief of the Massachusetts General Hospital Division of Wilderness Medicine, and the Director of the MGH Wilderness Medicine Fellowship; Dr. Rita Charon, founder of the field of Narrative Medicine and Professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics and Professor of Medicine at Columbia University, and Dr. Wendy Dean, psychiatrist, founder at Moral Injury of Healthcare, and author of If I Betray These Words.
These conversations and the research they inspired led to new collaborations through our annual symposia. These engagements led to the creation of a reputation for thoughtful, rigorous and creative consideration of a wide variety of challenges being faced by healthcare, laying the groundwork for an ambitious collaboration with University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and a grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).
This grant was made possible through our membership in The Health Equity Collective (HEC), a nation-wide organization of individuals, groups and institutions who “aim to transform the American health system from one that profits on sickness to one that invests in wellness.” Highlights from our healthcare portfolio are summarized below.