News, Events, and Opportunities

Five years of complex design.

We're pleased to announce the release of Complexity in Practice 2018–2024, a summary of our past 5 years at the Center.

June 1, 2022

Read about some of our current efforts on opioids, addiction, equity and systemic change. 

February 8, 2022

RISD’s Center for Complexity uses the studio process of inquiry, iteration and innovation to envision novel solutions to the nationwide problem.

January 2021

Read through the brilliant ideas and questions discussed at our 2020 Complexity Symposium – Generation C.

January 8 2021

RISD’s Center for Complexity launches Horizon 2045, a 25-year project aimed at eliminating the threat of nuclear war.

November 12 2020

The mainstay RI team presents at the 2020 Symposium on Substance Use Research.

September 9 2020

The Center for Complexity led a six-day strategic design studio undertaken for the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) and Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH). The studio – alongside practitioners working in the field – explored what a “Center for Arts and Health” should be for communities in Rhode Island and beyond. 

July 8 2020

Researchers at RISD's Center for Complexity share insights from a symposium focused on the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19.

Mainstay proposal wins first place at the Hackthon